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Staff Leasing
July 18, 2023

What is Staff Leasing?




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Staff Leasing is a business delivery model between a client and a provider, where the provider takes care of recruiting staff for a client’s particular needs, along with providing equipment and overseeing operations for the client, ensuring that their leased staff are delivering the quality of work that is expected of them from the client.

Staff leasing allows organizations to be flexible with the size of their workforce so that they can adjust according to their constantly-evolving needs and the amount resources they have available. Staff-leasing providers are typically located in countries where the the costs of living are substantially lower than their clients, which enables staff-leasing companies to offer their clients access to a talent pool that will be happy to work for lower wages without sacrificing professionalism and quality.

Clients can be as involved as they like in the screening process or they can leave it all to the professionals but it would be wise to work closely with the staff leasing company to ensure that the team will be able to meet your exact requirements.

Once the staff leasing provider has consulted with their client and determined exactly what they require out of their offshore staff, the outsourcing company will provide the client with a list of potential recruits that meet their requirements and will work with the client to determine which of the potential recruits are the best fit for their organization by conducting interviews and tests of skill on behalf/with the client. After the recruitment process, the provider will work with the client to train their new team in a manner that will ensure that the team is achieving high levels of productivity and efficiency.

The client organization is welcome to have as much or as little input in the hiring process, but usually it makes sense for many companies to leave much of the process up to the staff leasing provider, at least up to the process of selecting potential candidates; as the staff leasing provider should have experienced talent acquisition experts that can spot local talents across multiple disciplines. However, the final interviews, job-specific tests and the like can be set by the client company so that they are able to effectively make the choice of which of the potential candidates are the best fit for their organization as a result of the tests.


Once the client company has selected their ideal candidates, the staff-leasing provider will then hire these candidates and provide them with above market average salaries and benefits while still slashing your labour costs 50% or more while ensuring only the best and brightest talents are hired and constantly motivated to do the best job they can.

The experience of several organizations that have taken the plunge and offshored some of their business processes suggests that by taking advantage of staff leasing, you can slash your labour costs by at least 50% which will allow your organization to re-allocate valuable resources on business activities that do generate revenue might just be the catalyst for growth your company needs or can be an innovative solution for cash-strapped small businesses looking to kick-start their growth phase.

In fact, offshore staff leasing can sometime prove to be the only viable staffing solution for start-up companies who don’t have the resources the higher costs of hiring in-demand local talent or the expertise to find ideal candidates that would in turn require additional costs since they would have to hire talent acquisition professionals. t’s a little known fact that even by just offshoring one or two positions can still translate to tens of thousands of dollars of savings per year for any business, regardless of their particular industry.

In today’s business environment, managing your costs especially your labor costs, can mean all the difference between failure and success for your organization.

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