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Why should I hire a virtual assistant vs. a full-time employee?

Why Should I Hire a Virtual Assistant vs. a Full-time Employee?


Patricia Arcilla

Patricia is a content writer for STAFFVIRTUAL. She’s been interested in writing since she realized...

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One of the biggest perks of bringing on virtual assistants is how much you can save on running costs. According to Global Workplace Analytics, businesses can save over $11,000 per virtual employee per year. It’s a staggering number, but when you break down the expenses of salaries, benefits, office space, and equipment, it makes perfect sense.

When deciding between hiring a virtual assistant (VA) and bringing on a full-time employee, it’s important to weigh the benefits of both. While a full-time employee might seem like the traditional route, VAs offer a range of advantages that can make a big difference for your business. Especially if you’re looking for flexibility, cost savings, and access to specialized skills.

In this guide, we’ll list the reasons why hiring a virtual assistant could be the best decision for your business. Let’s discuss how hiring a Real Estate Virtual Assistant with STAFFVIRTUAL can be your next outsourcing solution.

Virtual Assistant vs. Full-Time Employee: Main Differences

Before diving into the pros of hiring a virtual assistant, it’s helpful to understand the main differences between them and a full-time employee. These differences go beyond just the cost and availability and can have a significant impact on your business operations.

Work Environment

Virtual assistants work remotely, often from their home or a co-working space. This means you don’t need to provide office space, equipment, or other resources typically required for an in-house employee. 

On the other hand, full-time employees generally work on-site within the office environment, requiring you to provide a workspace, computer, and other necessary tools.

Employment Status

VAs are typically independent contractors, so you’re not responsible for providing benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, or paid time off. In contrast, full-time workers are on your payroll and usually receive benefits as part of their compensation package, including health insurance, retirement contributions, and other perks.


Remote workers offer a high degree of flexibility. They can be hired on a project basis, part-time, or full-time, depending on your needs. You can adjust their hours up or down as your business requires.

Full-time employees, however, work a set number of hours each week, usually 40 hours, and adjusting their workload often involves changes to their contract or job responsibilities.

Cost Structure

With a VA, you only pay for the work done, whether on an hourly basis or per project, without additional costs like benefits or office space. Full-time staff come with a fixed salary, benefits, and other associated costs, making them a more expensive option in the long run.

Skill Specialization

Virtual assistants often specialize in particular tasks or industries, such as social media management, bookkeeping, or customer support. While full-time employees can develop specialized skills, they are often required to handle a broader range of tasks, which might dilute their expertise in specific areas.

Integration into Company Culture

Since VAs work remotely and are not physically present, integrating them into your company culture can be more challenging. Communication and collaboration often take place through digital tools.

Meanwhile, full-time employees are typically more immersed in the company’s culture, values, and day-to-day operations. This presents better team cohesion and alignment with company goals.

Benefits of Having a Virtual Assistant

Understanding these key differences can help you determine which option is better suited to your business needs. Now, let’s see how virtual assistance could be good for your business:

Cost Savings

As we’ve already mentioned, one of the most compelling reasons to hire a virtual assistant is the significant cost savings. Full-time employees come with a hefty price tag — salaries, benefits, and payroll taxes quickly add up.

A report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says the average cost of employee benefits equals 38.1% of the total compensation. That’s a lot of extra money being spent on top of base salaries.

With a virtual assistant, you only pay for the work they do. There’s no need to worry about health insurance, retirement contributions, or paid time off. But you certainly have the option to provide those benefits if your company has the means to do so.

You can also avoid costs related to office space, equipment, and utilities since VAs work remotely. This can free up substantial resources that you can reinvest in your business.

Flexibility and Scalability

Hiring a virtual assistant gives you flexibility that full-time employees can’t match. Need help with a short-term project? A VA can step in without the long-term commitment. As your business grows, you can easily scale up by hiring extra VAs with specific skills, or scale down when the workload decreases. 

This flexibility is particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses that may not have the resources to commit to full-time staff.

Imagine a situation where your business suddenly faces a spike in demand. Hiring a VA for this period allows you to manage the workload efficiently without needing to hire and potentially lay off full-time staff after the busy season.

Access to a Global Talent Pool

When you limit your hiring to full-time employees, you’re often restricted to candidates within your local area. This can be a major limitation, especially if you’re looking for specialized skills.

Virtual assistants, however, can work from any location around the globe. You’re given access to professionals with the exact expertise you need, no matter where they’re based.

For example, if you need someone with deep knowledge of digital marketing or graphic design, you can hire a VA from a region known for these skills. You’re no longer bound by geographic constraints, allowing you to find the best person for the job.

Increased Productivity

Virtual assistants are often more productive than full-time employees. How? They work on specific tasks and projects without the distractions that come with a traditional office environment. Since they work remotely, they can create a work schedule that maximizes their productivity. In fact, Zipdo revealed that VAs can increase productivity by up to 30%.

Additionally, many virtual assistants are paid by the hour or the project, creating a strong incentive to work efficiently and deliver high-quality results.

Let’s say you hire a remote assistant to manage your social media accounts. Unlike a full-time worker who might juggle multiple responsibilities, your VA can focus solely on this task. This results in better outcomes in less time.

Reduced Overhead Costs

Running a business comes with a lot of overhead costs — rent, utilities, office supplies, and more. These expenses can eat into your profits, especially if you’re a small business.

Hiring a virtual assistant helps cut down on these costs because they work remotely. You don’t need to provide a workspace, computer, or other office essentials if you can’t. All you’re paying for is the work they do.

Imagine the savings when you don’t have to lease additional office space or upgrade your IT infrastructure for new employees. With VAs, you keep your overhead low while still getting the support you need.

Specialization and Expertise

Virtual assistants can have expertise in particular areas, bringing skills that you might not find in a full-time employee. Whether you need help with bookkeeping, content creation, customer service, or technical support, you can find a certain kind of VA with the skills to match your needs. This level of specialization can significantly improve the quality of work compared to hiring a generalist full-time employee.

For example, if your business needs help with SEO, you can hire a VA who specializes in this area and has a proven track record of improving search engine rankings.

Administrative and HR Savings

Managing full-time staff comes with administrative and HR responsibilities — processing payroll, managing benefits, handling disputes, and more. These tasks take time and resources.

When you hire a virtual assistant, you can bypass many of these responsibilities. VAs handle their own taxes, benefits, and scheduling, which means less administrative burden for you. This allows you to focus on growing your business instead of getting bogged down in HR tasks. Plus, you avoid the need to hire additional HR staff, further reducing costs.

Work-Life Balance

Bringing on a virtual assistant can also help you achieve a better work-life balance. As a business owner or manager, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the day-to-day tasks of running an organization. Delegating some of these tasks to a VA can free up your time, letting you focus on strategic decisions or even take some much-needed time off.

If you find yourself spending hours on email management or scheduling meetings, a VA can take these tasks off your plate. This not only reduces your workload but also helps you maintain a healthier work-life balance, preventing burnout.

Hire a Virtual Assistant with STAFFVIRTUAL

As you can see, hiring a virtual assistant offers numerous advantages over bringing on a full-time employee. From cost savings and flexibility to access to specialized skills and reduced overhead, VAs provide a smart, scalable solution for businesses of all sizes. They allow you to tap into a global talent pool, increase productivity, and maintain a healthy work-life balance — all while keeping costs in check.

If you’re ready to take the next step, consider hiring virtual assistants through STAFFVIRTUAL. Our team of experienced professionals can cater to numerous industries: property management, real estate, tech, e-commerce, and more.

With STAFFVIRTUAL, you get the benefits of a dedicated assistant tailored to what your firm needs at any given moment. It’s the perfect solution for businesses looking to maximize efficiency and minimize expenses. Learn more by booking a meeting with us!


Virtual Assistant vs. In-house Employee: Which is right for you? | LinkedIn

Virtual assistant vs employee: Which is right for you? | Time Doctor

Telework Savings Potential | Global Workplace Analytics

Employer Costs for Employee Compensation – March 2023 | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Virtual Assistant Statistics: Market Expected to Reach $20.12 Billion | Zipdo