Here’s a question: when was the last time you spent quality time for yourself or with your family? If you can’t remember, then it’s likely you’re overwhelmed managing your business. You feel helpless, with your inbox overflowing, taxes that are due in a week, payroll concerns, and tasks that just keep piling up.

Not the life you envisioned when you started your business, right? Challenges and demands on your time are usually entailed with growth. Wearing too many hats and doing way too much on your own will leave you completely stressed out and unhappy. It’s time you see the signs and realize that you need more help with your business.
Here are 10 glaring signs it’s time to outsource your business tasks:
- Your employees are performing multiple roles
It’s not uncommon in smaller businesses for people to fill more than one role to keep the ball rolling. But having overworked employees often spells disaster. The output of their work will likely be unsatisfactory or lade with errors.
- Mistakes are costing too much
When mistakes happen, it can end up costing a significant amount of revenue over the course of time. A claims processor who immediately pays out every claim without properly validating it first results to money down the drain for the company.
- Your budget gets tighter by the day
Feeling like your budget is on a tightrope? Well, it isn’t surprising because having in house-employees is always expensive. From their high salaries to other costs such as work insurance, sick leaves and paid vacations, you’d definitely be better off with outsourced workers. By delegating certain company’s functions such as bookkeeping, customer support, marketing services, etc. to outsource will not help you cut operational expenses but increase profit as well.
- Routine tasks hinder your progress
Something is definitely wrong if you notice that your company has been stuck in one place for quite a long time. For example, your marketing team may be too busy dealing with everyday routine tasks that they don’t come up with new ideas for marketing your product or services anymore. Outsourcing repetitive tasks that need to be done gives you time to focus on your main goals and to lead your company to success.
- Fresh ideas have become a rare commodity
Are fresh ideas dwindling? Are there less contributions during brainstorming sessions? It’s not shocking for this to happen, actually it’s quite normal especially when you’ve been on the market with the same group of employees for a long time. If this situation doesn’t feel right with you, it’s best to analyze the freelance market and hire people who will have a fresh look and different approach to your business. You’ll be provided with rich, new ideas and all your employees have to do is fulfill these ideas.
- Your managers are overwhelmed with responsibilities

Managers who are piled up with work often get stressed out and this affects their capability to do a good job. By picking a reliable and responsible outsourcing company, you can help them rest assure that the work gets done. Definitely a better situation for the manager which will trinkle down to the employees in the form of lesser loads and positive vibes.
- You can’t find professionals with the right skill set
Let’s say your company is looking for the top SEO analyst to optimize the website. Weeks and months have passed, and no candidate has passed your standards. You can seek the service of outsourcing companies as they can provide highly-skilled candidates with possess positive work ethics. Hiring the perfect man for the job is now easier through outsourcing companies.
- Customer satisfaction is slipping
Providing the best customer experience is the battle cry of most online shopping companies (if not all). But if you’re doing too many things at the same time, you’re not going to be able to give your customers the attention they deserve. Issues such as wrong product sent, poor product quality and slow response time can greatly affect revenue. Instead of spending time and money resolving these issues, you should outsource to a call center with friendly, experienced and knowledgeable staff who can respond to every support ticket, and outsource to a good carrier to manage the delivery of orders. with fulfillment and customer service taken care of by a third party, you’ll actually be able to devote some time to rectify the issues.
- You’ve lost your mojo
Remember the day you started your business? You were all fired up and couldn’t stop talking about it. But now the feeling of disenchantment has sunk in, you’re in a rut. Consider outsourcing the aspect of your business that’s getting you down. Sometimes the simplest act of asking for help can be the biggest booster in getting your mojo back.
- There is never enough time
Time is another critical sign that prompts you to outsource. If you feel there aren’t enough hours in every day to get to your most pressing tasks, just outsource them. Bringing in a virtual assistantcan free up time so that you can devote your full attention to every project. You’ll even have extra time to do things that you love – surfing, photography or just plain hanging out with your friends or family.
If you’re keen on growing your business and cost saving, outsourcing is your best solution. You will never get pulled in a million directions again, thus enabling you to focus on doing what you do best!