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June 10, 2024

5 Ways Call Centers Benefit Your Property Management Firm




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In 2020, the global call center market’s value was worth at least $340 billion. Here’s the good news: It’s projected to grow to $496 billion by 2027! This proves the industry’s growth and economic stability, making it a viable business solution.

A Property Management Call Center offers quick and efficient customer service. They can be a cost-effective strategy for handling inquiries. In this fast-paced environment, it’s crucial to provide top-notch service to stay ahead of the competition. That’s why an increasing number of businesses from different industries are outsourcing call centers as part of their strategy.

When your company offers great service, tenants are likely to continue doing business with you or refer clients to your firm. This is one of the many benefits you can get from outsourcing call centers.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the five ways call centers benefit your property management firm.

Call Center Services Overview for Property Management

Outsourcing has gained popularity in IT, back-end administration, and customer service roles. It is now used in property management to delegate routine tasks.

While many property managers like showing clients around properties, some find cold calling and other routine jobs difficult. That’s where call centers come in. They assist property managers by handling inbound and outbound calls, appointments, and clients. Freeing up your time enables you to focus on more important business aspects, like closing sales and tenant relationships.

1. Offering Quick Support Around the Clock

Prompt attention to tenants is crucial in property management. This builds trust and sets your firm apart from your competitors. Technology advancements have made communication and service easier, creating a smoother leasing flow. Call centers allow instant communication through:

  • email
  • text messaging
  • tenant portals
  • digitized leases

The rise of on-demand services has led to an expectation of instant gratification that impacts property management. Businesses that provide quick and efficient service are more likely to win and retain tenants in this competitive market. Failing to meet these standards could have expensive long-term repercussions and damage your company’s brand.

Guaranteed 100% response time for all calls

Round-the-clock service, especially on weekends, is crucial for property management firms. Missed opportunities equate to lost revenue. Call centers make sure all calls lead to client engagement and revenue.

Builds Credibility and Global Network

Customer support boosts trust and builds a strong reputation with your clients. Your 24/7 call center team can tailor solutions that meet your clients’ specific needs. Having after-hours support also allows property management businesses to reach customers globally. It ensures clients can access help anytime, anywhere, at their convenience.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Digital technology offers convenience but doesn’t replace human interaction. Live representatives provide understanding, empathize with your customers, and enhance their experience. By being available 24/7, tenants can reach out to you anytime for urgent matters like maintenance or emergency repairs.

2. Customized Communication for Tenants

Property managers must take a customized approach that caters to the unique needs of their properties and tenants to succeed in this competitive industry. Nurturing strong relationships in property management is crucial for fostering a sense of community. This can result in reducing turnover and promoting a harmonious living environment.

Personalizing communication with your tenants can enhance satisfaction, retention, engagement, loyalty, and reputation. It demonstrates professional customer service by providing relevant information and offers, reducing complaints and conflicts.

To personalize your communication, it is beneficial to segment your tenants into different groups based on criteria that matter to both you and them. This can include demographics such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income

You can also group them based on behavior, such as:

  • lease duration
  • payment history
  • maintenance requests

Additionally, you can segment tenants by attitude, including:

  • satisfaction level
  • Referrals
  • Tenant needs (e.g., amenities, services, and upgrades)

Data can help you provide personalized communication for your tenants. Here are 4 tips you can follow:

Know Your Tenants

To personalize tenant communication, understand your tenants’ demographics, wants, and expectations. Collect this information through surveys, feedback forms, social media, or conversations. Segmentation of tenants into groups enables you to tailor communication style and channel.

Address Them by Their Name

Addressing tenants by name is an effective way to personalize communication. It conveys that you recognize them as individuals and creates a sense of familiarity. Apply this to emails, texts, phone calls, and newsletters. You can also add personal touches, like mentioning their hobbies or family members.

Celebrate Special Occasions

Making tenants feel valued should be one of your top priorities. Since call centers collect tenant data, you can use them to your advantage. Celebrate your tenants’ milestones and occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or their achievements. Send cards, gifts, vouchers, or discounts to show appreciation and thank them for their loyalty. Doing so not only encourages renewals but can also lead to recommendations.

Offer Value and Solutions 

Personalizing tenant communication entails offering value and solutions that match their needs and expectations. This includes providing tips, advice, resources, and opportunities to improve living conditions, save money, and solve problems. Providing updates on maintenance, repairs, and inspections is another aspect of it.

To effectively communicate with tenants, tailor messages to their specific characteristics and interests. Professionally address them using appropriate language and tone.  Call centers can use various tools for personalized communication.

3. Saving Costs While Boosting Efficiency

Property management is a customer-centric industry. Tenant satisfaction boosts positive online reviews and helps with client acquisition. But missed calls can lead to frustration. To address this, businesses are utilizing call center services. They provide 24/7 support with professionals dedicated to ensuring a positive customer experience. The goal is to boost tenant satisfaction and efficiency in your business operations.

For example, the median pay of a customer service representative in the US is $37,780 annually. But you can save up to 80% on expenses for each agent you recruit if you outsource it. Outsourcing, particularly in the Philippines, where labor prices are significantly cheaper, can save you a lot of money. You can use these savings on other parts of your business strategies that can further boost your revenue and clients.

Furthermore, you can improve your work-life balance by outsourcing inbound calls to a call center. This allows you to focus on other daily tasks, such as showing off vacant units to prospective tenants and troubleshooting maintenance requests. Plus, you can focus on marketing and processing rent payments, which can result in increased efficiency.

4. Leveraging the Latest Technology

Call center technology is revolutionizing real estate by enhancing property inquiries and client satisfaction. When you outsource a call center, you can get access to the latest technology. Because of this, you can gain many benefits, and here are three examples:

Quick Access to Database

Call centers have centralized databases, which can make immediate data retrieval possible. Agents can quickly provide clients with precise information about property features, costs, and accessibility. Always remember that time is money in any business industry.

Improved Customer Experience

Call centers provide clients with precise and timely information that targets their needs. This efficiency improves the customer experience and expedites the resolution of queries.

Business Growth Opportunities

Understanding tenant choice is important for property owners and agents, as it increases business opportunities. Call center technology improves responsiveness and personalized client interactions. It allows agents to provide tailored responses and recommendations based on client histories and preferences.

5. Focusing Better on Key Management Tasks

Outsourcing real estate call center operations frees up resources. This allows you to concentrate on core business functions. Delegating crucial tasks and business processes to them avoids overburdening your internal team. That way, you and your team can focus on business development and growth.

In the property management industry, customer service is essential. But it may not be your expertise or competitive edge among your competitors. By outsourcing call center experts, you can allocate your resources and talent toward marketing and strategic initiatives. Better focus maximizes your business efficiency and competitive advantage.

Boost Your Firm’s Growth with STAFFVIRTUAL

Call centers bring tons of benefits to property management businesses. Outsourcing call center operations offers 24/7 quick support, customized communication, cost savings, advanced technology, and a better focus on key tasks. Partnering with a reputable provider allows companies to focus on core competencies, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.

Additionally, they can provide insights into performance and tenant preferences. Getting access to tenant data enhances efficiency and improves the tenant experience you provide. Providing personalized communication builds trust, rapport, and loyalty. Good relationships with your tenants reduce conflicts and disputes.

It’s time to partner with a reliable outsourcing partner and boost your firm’s growth. STAFFVIRTUAL can bring huge cost savings to your business when you outsource your call center to us. Our highly skilled and dedicated agents can provide top-notch support for your business. With nearly 15 years of experience, we’ll boost your company’s growth and efficiency. 

Start outsourcing in four easy steps , with no extra charges or hidden fees. Contact us today to learn how we can grow your business. Visit our website and book a call with us.


Global Call Centers Market to Reach $741.7 Billion by 2030 | PR Newswire

Customer Service Representatives: Occupational Outlook Handbook | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Personalized experience for customers: Driving differentiation in retail | McKinsey