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“Choosing the right back office outsourcing partner for your law firm.”

Choosing the Right Back Office Outsourcing Partner for Your Law Firm


Patricia Arcilla

Patricia is a content writer for STAFFVIRTUAL. She’s been interested in writing since she realized...

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The stakes are high when it comes to offshoring your law firm’s back office work. Pick the right partner, and you’ll make your operations smoother, cut down costs, and spend more time focusing on winning cases. But pick the wrong one, and you could face missed deadlines, data breaches, and a chaotic work environment that drains your resources and tarnishes your reputation.

The decision isn’t just about finding someone to handle paperwork. It’s mainly about securing a partner who truly understands your firm’s needs and values. To ease your worries, CustomerThink shared that 78% of businesses have experienced great success because of outsourcing.

To avoid costly mistakes, it’s important to know what to look for in a Law Firm Back Office Outsourcing partner. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key factors that should influence your choice, from industry expertise to data security. We’ll help you make an informed decision that benefits your practice in the long run.

Why Outsource Legal Back Office Functions?

Running a law firm means more than just showing up in court or drafting airtight contracts. There’s a whole world of admin work that eats up your time. Document management, billing, client communication, and the list goes on. Sure, these tasks are crucial, but they don’t add to your bottom line the way winning cases do.

This is where outsourcing or offshoring steps up. When you delegate these tasks to specialists, you not only free up valuable time to dedicate to your clients but also trim costs. Imagine the savings from not having to support an in-house team for these functions. You gain access to top-tier expertise and cutting-edge technology, all without the burden of managing it yourself.

Why Choosing the Right Outsourcing Partner Matters

Deloitte’s Global Outsourcing Survey reported the primary reason companies outsource is to reduce expenses (70%). But it isn’t just about passing the buck. As we’ve mentioned, it’s more about finding a partner who gets your needs and delivers.

A good partner won’t just handle tasks, they’ll elevate how your firm operates. They’ll streamline processes, improve efficiency, and protect your data like it’s their own.

But choose poorly, and you’re in for a world of hurt. Missed deadlines, data breaches, and operational disruptions could be the least of your worries. That’s why selecting the right partner is a decision you can’t afford to rush.

Key Factors to Consider

Let’s break down what you should be looking for when evaluating potential BPO providers:

Expertise and Industry Knowledge

You wouldn’t hire a novice to handle your biggest case. So don’t settle for less in an outsourcing partner. They need to understand the ins and outs of the legal industry.

Look for a provider with a proven track record working with organizations like yours. They should know the regulations, the challenges, and how to navigate them. The deeper their industry knowledge, the better they can support your firm.

Reputation and Client Testimonials

Reputation is another important factor when choosing an agency to partner with. A legal service provider with a strong track record will have plenty of client testimonials and case studies to back up their claims.

Don’t just take their word for it, do your homework. Look for online reviews, and if possible, get in touch with some of their clients to hear about their experiences firsthand.

Scalability and Flexibility

Your practice isn’t static; it evolves. So, your outsourcing provider needs to grow with you. Whether you’re expanding your company or need extra hands during peak seasons, they should be able to scale their services accordingly. Look for tailored services that match your firm’s changing needs.

Cultural and Operational Fit

Outsourcing is a partnership, and like any good partnership, you need a cultural and operational fit. Your values, work ethic, and communication styles should align.

Also, ensure their operations sync smoothly with yours. Time zone differences and workflow mismatches can create unnecessary friction, so their hours and processes must be compatible with your company’s needs.

Data Security and Compliance

As you know, law firms deal with sensitive data every day. Any breach could have severe legal and financial repercussions. That’s why data security should be non-negotiable when choosing a company to work with.

Ask about their security protocols, compliance with laws like GDPR or HIPAA, and how they handle data breaches. A strong agency will have robust measures in place, from encryption to disaster recovery plans.

10 Questions to Ask Potential Outsourcing Partners

  1. What’s your experience in the legal industry? You need someone who understands the complexities of legal work. Ask for specific examples of how they’ve supported other law firms and what results they’ve delivered.
  2. Can you provide client references or case studies? A trustworthy legal BPO company will have a portfolio of satisfied clients ready to vouch for them. Don’t just accept their claims, reach out to these references to get an insider’s view of their performance.
  3. How do you handle data security and compliance? Your practice deals with sensitive information daily. It’s non-negotiable that your outsourcing partner has airtight security protocols and is fully compliant with regulations like SRA’s Standards and Regulations that cover law professionals.
  4. What are your communication protocols? Clear and consistent communication is what makes a partnership thrive. Ask how they plan to keep you in the loop, manage updates, and handle any potential issues.
  5. How do you scale your services? Business inevitably needs to evolve, especially as it grows. Your provider should be able to adapt to your changing workload without compromising quality.
  6. What’s your approach to training and onboarding? A seamless onboarding process is crucial for maintaining continuity in your operations. Find out how they plan to get up to speed with your company’s processes and train their team to meet your specific needs.
  7. How transparent is your pricing structure? Surprise costs can wreck your budget. Make sure their pricing is clear, with no hidden fees. Ask for a detailed breakdown of costs so you know exactly what you’re paying for.
  8. How do you manage confidentiality? In the legal field, confidentiality is everything. Make sure they have strict policies and procedures to protect client information, both digitally and physically.
  9. What happens if something goes wrong? No one likes to think about worst-case scenarios, but it’s better to be prepared. Ask how they handle crises, whether it’s a data breach, a missed deadline, or a critical error, and what steps they’ll take to mitigate damage.
  10. What is your employee turnover rate? High turnover can lead to inconsistencies in service quality. Ask about their employee retention strategies to ensure that your work won’t be constantly passed around to different, inexperienced hands.

5 Red Flags to Watch Out For

Not every outsourcing company is going to be a good fit. In the worst cases, there are some red flags you need to look out for:

  • Lack of Legal Experience. If they don’t have experience working with law firms, they may not fully understand the complexities of dealing with things within your field.
  • Poor Communication. If they’re slow to respond during the vetting process, it could be a sign of things to come.
  • Unclear Pricing. If the pricing structure is vague or if there are hidden fees, you might end up paying more than you expected.
  • Inadequate Data Security. If they can’t clearly explain how they protect your data, move on.
  • Overpromising. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of partners who promise the moon but can’t back it up with solid evidence.

Making the Final Decision: Comparing Options

Once you’ve gathered all the information, it’s time to compare your options. Create a list of pros and cons for each potential legal process outsourcing (LPO) provider based on the factors that are most important to your firm.

Consider their expertise, reputation, scalability, and how well they fit with your company’s culture and operations. Also, take into account the security measures they have in place to protect your data.

If you’re having trouble making a decision, go back to your initial goals for outsourcing. Which partner is best equipped to help you achieve those goals? Remember, this is potentially a long-term relationship. So it’s worth taking the time to think about what could be the best choice.

Find the Perfect Partner in STAFFVIRTUAL

Choosing the right outsourcing partner can make or break your law firm’s efficiency and reputation. Again, it’s not just about offloading tasks. It’s finding a team that meets your firm’s needs and delivers consistently high-quality work.

STAFFVIRTUAL has the expertise, reliability, and security measures in place to be that partner. We don’t just talk the talk — we back it up with real results for law firms just like yours. Let us handle the details so you can concentrate on winning cases and growing your practice. Call us today and let’s collaborate to drive your success.


Outsourcing Statistics & Reports in 2023 | CustomerThink

Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 | Deloitte

GDPR and HIPAA Compliance – Do They Overlap? | Total HIPAA Compliance

SRA Standards and Regulations | Solicitors Regulation Authority