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"How white label help desks reduce costs for MSPs"

How White Label Help Desks Reduce Costs for MSPs


Patricia Arcilla

Patricia is a content writer for STAFFVIRTUAL. She’s been interested in writing since she realized...

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Managed service providers (MSPs) often find themselves stretched thin when running their own help desk. There’s the ongoing challenge of handling client requests, troubleshooting, and maintaining quality support, all while trying to manage costs. It’s a delicate balance, one that becomes harder to maintain as your client base grows.

The truth is, handling support services internally can feel like a never-ending struggle. This is why so many MSPs are turning to delegating it off as a smart alternative.

A White Label Help Desk for MSP gives you the freedom to focus on growth. You no longer have to spend hours managing support teams or solving technical issues yourself. Instead, you can outsource these tasks to experts while maintaining your brand identity.

LinkedIn shared some data from IT experts who claim that outsourcing can lessen a company’s IT costs by 25% to 45%. And let’s be honest, cost reduction is at the top of the list.

Let’s break down how partnering with a white label help desk service can dramatically reduce your operating expenses. From cutting labor costs to maximizing efficiency, we’ll cover the benefits that will allow you to make an informed decision about your help desk strategy.

The High Costs of Running In-House Help Desks

Running an in-house help desk sounds great in theory. You maintain full control, keep your team close, and oversee every process. But the reality is far more complex. The financial and operational costs are often overwhelming:

Labor Costs

Employees are your biggest expense when running a support desk. Between salaries, benefits, and the hidden costs of HR management, you can find yourself paying more than expected.

A study by Glassdoor reports that the average salary for a help desk technician in the U.S. is around $55,000 per year (as of 2024). Add healthcare, retirement contributions, and other perks, and you’re looking at a hefty figure for each employee.

Infrastructure Costs

It doesn’t stop at hiring. In-house help desks require significant investments in technology. You’ll need ticketing systems, customer management software, and various tools to keep everything running smoothly. And as technology evolves, so do the needs of your support service. Upgrades, updates, and replacements become inevitable — and costly.

Training Costs

Technology changes fast. Every time a new system or update rolls out, your team needs to be trained on how to use it. Continuous training is essential to maintain quality service, but it’s not cheap.

Businesses spend $1,595 per employee per year on training, according to the Association for Talent Development (ATD)’s 2023 State of the Industry Report. This number adds up, especially when your team is already stretched thin.

Moreover, the same research also found that companies that offer extensive training have 218% more revenue compared to organizations that don’t. Outsourcing a white label help desk can let your MSP save on training costs while not letting you worry about the quality of coaching it could offer.

Operational Overhead

You also need managers, supervisors, and directors to keep everything functioning properly. These are hidden costs that don’t always show up in the initial budgeting process. Plus, the time you or your senior staff spend overseeing help desk operations is time you’re not spending on growth activities.

How White Label Help Desks Cut Labor and Infrastructure Expenses

White label help desks can lessen many of the costs connected to running an in-house operation. Let’s break down exactly how this model saves MSPs’ money:

No Staffing Headaches

With a white label service, you no longer need to worry about hiring, training, or managing a support team. The provider handles all the staffing for you. You pay for the services you need, and only for what you need. You get a fully functioning help desk without the burden of figuring out salaries, managing time-off schedules, or dealing with performance reviews.

No Infrastructure Investment

Private label providers typically come equipped with their own infrastructure. They handle all the software, hardware, and systems necessary to run a smooth support service. This means you don’t need to invest in expensive tools or worry about system updates. The provider takes care of it all.

Flexibility Without Financial Risk

Scaling up or down is much easier when you outsource with a white label partner. They can easily handle the increased demand if your client base grows.

If you experience a slower period, you can scale down without risking laying off employees or dealing with underutilized infrastructure. Again, you pay for what you need, no more and no less.

Reducing Training Costs with White Label Solutions

One of the hidden costs of running an in-house help desk is training. Technology doesn’t stand still, and your team needs regular instruction to keep up. Though coaching takes time and costs money, which impacts your bottom line.

When you switch to a private label provider, you eliminate the need for constant training. The provider handles all the necessary training and certifications. Their teams stay up-to-date with the latest industry standards and best practices. This can let your clients get top-tier support without you bearing the cost of continuous employee education.

Here’s how a house brand partner can help save on training:

  1. Instant Access to Expertise. The white label provider already employs or will vet trained experts. You’d get access to a fully certified team without having to invest in training programs or industry certifications.
  2. Ongoing Training Included. Private label help desk partners continually train their staff. They have the initiative and expertise to make sure your clients receive support from professionals who are always up to date with the latest technology and industry trends.
  3. Reduce Knowledge Gaps. A house brand-grade firm often has a broad pool of specialists with diverse skills. That means you can rely on a well-rounded team to handle a wider range of client issues, avoiding the need to hire niche experts in-house.

Improving Efficiency While Lowering Costs for MSPs

Success hinges on how efficiently you run your business. For MSPs, it means resolving tickets faster, lessening downtime, and increasing customer satisfaction. But efficiency doesn’t come cheap when you’re managing a help desk internally. You need the right tools, the right processes, and the right people — all of which require financial investment.

Good thing that white label help desks are designed to be efficient from day one. Here’s how they improve efficiency while also lowering costs:

  1. Proven Processes. MSP providers are likely experts in help desk management as well. They’ve already developed and fine-tuned their processes to maximize efficiency. This means quicker response times, more tickets resolved on the first touch, and happier clients.
  2. Access to Advanced Tools. You don’t have to purchase or manage expensive support software. White label firms use the latest technologies, including AI-driven ticket management systems and customer service platforms, to handle support requests more efficiently.
  3. 24/7 Support Without Overtime Pay. For an MSP, this means you can offer 24/7 support to your clients without paying overtime or managing multiple shifts. That’s because private label providers often already offer round-the-clock support. Your customers get the assistance they need whenever they need it, without increasing your operating costs.

Maximizing ROI Through Cost-Effective Help Desk Solutions

When it comes to outsourcing, we know the return on investment (ROI) is often the most significant factor MSPs consider. A white label help desk service offers a clear ROI advantage. Because they have the ‘label’ that guarantees you can save money while delivering a higher level of service.

Lower Overhead, Higher Margins

Cutting unnecessary costs is the fastest way to boost profitability. You can lean on outsourcing to reduce the operational load instead of funneling cash into labor, infrastructure, or constant training. Every dollar saved from these areas becomes an opportunity for growth. A piece from Forbes agrees, saying that offshoring can save you up to 70% on operational costs.

So rather than bleeding money into maintenance, reinvest those savings into areas that fuel expansion — whether it’s marketing, innovative service offerings, or better client acquisition strategies. Your profit margins will thank you.

Improved Client Satisfaction

A well-executed help desk means fewer headaches for your clients, and nothing builds loyalty like reliable support. Satisfied clients don’t just stick around, they can also rave about your service to others, becoming your most powerful advocates.

It means that renewals and referrals aren’t just accidental perks but the secret to sustainable growth. By focusing on delivering stellar support, you build the kind of trust that keeps clients engaged and willing to extend their contracts. Word-of-mouth marketing from happy clients is the most efficient growth engine.

Scalable Services to Match Business Growth

Speaking of growth, it doesn’t need to come with the headache of hiring and training. Farming out certain jobs lets you scale seamlessly without bloating your overhead. When your MSP needs to expand, your help desk grows right along with it, flexing to match the demand.

And instead of dealing with hiring delays or onboarding headaches, you can focus on driving the business forward. This level of agility ensures you only pay for what’s necessary, optimizing every dollar spent and increasing ROI.

Why White Label Help Desks Make Sense for MSPs

So why should you consider having an outsourced help desk, and a white label solution for that matter? As we’ve elaborated, it offers an MSP like yours a cost-effective, scalable solution for managing client support.

You can focus on growth and profitability by eliminating the extra costs linked to staffing, infrastructure, and training. At the same time, clients receive top-tier support, improving retention and satisfaction rates.

If you’re looking for a way to reduce costs while delivering excellent service, it’s time to consider outsourcing your support to a white label provider. STAFFVIRTUAL offers industry-leading white label help desk services designed specifically for MSPs.

With STAFFVIRTUAL, you can reduce expenses, improve efficiency, and ensure that your clients receive the best support possible. Reach out today and discover how we can aid you in transforming your help desk operations.


Why would you choose to outsource your IT support? | LinkedIn

Salary: Help Desk Technician in the United States 2024 | Glassdoor

2023 State of the Industry | Association for Talent Development

Five Indicators That You Need To Outsource | Forbes