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“Why your real estate business needs to hire a call center now.”

Why Your Real Estate Business Needs To Hire A Call Center Now


Patricia Arcilla

Patricia is a content writer for STAFFVIRTUAL. She’s been interested in writing since she realized...

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According to Appfolio research, 70% of property managers agree that a service-oriented culture would benefit their business. Despite that, only 38% of them are prepared to take action to see the positive impact it would have. This is where a call center team could come in and help you take that next step.

Efficient client interaction management is necessary for property management and real estate operations. Outsourcing a Real Estate Call Center service could be what you’re looking for if you want to experience further success. This could be true if your agency is missing that magic touch of personalized service that expert reps can only provide.

So, let’s see why your real estate business needs to hire a call center now. We’ll cite some compelling reasons and share tips on finding the right provider to help you get started.

Vital Role of Outstanding Customer Service in Real Estate

Outstanding customer service is the backbone of any successful real estate business. Think about it: when you’re buying or selling a property, you want clear, prompt, and friendly communication. Excellent client service guarantees they feel valued and understood. This builds trust and loyalty, which are essential for repeat business and referrals.

A ReferMe IQ report highlights how important good service is in the industry. It revealed that 82% of real estate deals stem from referrals and repeat customers. This means the better the service you provide, the better the chance you’ll make a reputation as a trusted firm.

Imagine a potential buyer calling with questions about a listing. If they receive quick, helpful responses, they’re more likely to stay interested. On the other hand, unprofessional interactions can lead them to look elsewhere. A call center ensures that high level of service while every client gets the attention they need.

How a Call Center Can Transform Your Real Estate Business

Every phone call that brings in a lead is crucial for your business, especially in the real estate sector. These calls are more than potential sales — they are foundations of genuine connections. 

Each lead represents a chance to understand client needs and create trust. This foundation is vital for business growth. By valuing every call, you can build and nurture these relationships and expand your network.

Moreover, real estate transactions often come with a lot of stress and confusion. Clients appreciate having someone available. They applaud someone who can answer their questions and guide them through the process. You can ease their concerns and make the experience more enjoyable for them.

A real estate call center can handle all these interactions smoothly. They’ll take care of:

  • Answering inquiries
  • Scheduling showings
  • Following up with leads

Call centers can do all that while maintaining a professional and friendly tone. This consistent support enhances the client experience. It also lets your agents focus on closing deals and driving your business.

10 Compelling Reasons Your Real Estate Agency Should Hire a Call Center

If you need more convincing over why your real estate business needs a call center, here’s a list of the advantages:

1. 24/7 Availability

A real estate helpline ensures your clients can reach you anytime. They provide support even outside regular business hours. Plus, with clients from various time zones, an outsourced call center broadens accessibility. Whether your clients are early birds or night owls, their inquiries are addressed promptly.

2. Expert Service You Can Count On

Real estate call centers deploy trained professionals skilled and efficient at handling inquiries. This expert customer service boosts your business’s reputation and establishes you as a trusted industry name. 

Having skilled agents also ensures client interactions are professional and informative.

3. Master Your Leads with Ease

Demand Gen Report noted that nurtured leads increase sales opportunities by 20% on average. So if you have a support center, you’ll be able to deliver quick responses to inquiries. This heightens your firm’s chances of converting leads. In addition, systematic follow-ups are effective in nurturing potential clients. Regular check-ins will keep potential clients engaged and interested. 

4. Grow as You Go

Outsourcing a call center allows you to adjust services based on business needs. As your real estate firm grows, an external provider adapts to increased demand. This means you’ll be able to offer continuous support. During peak seasons, a specialized helpline can handle the surge in inquiries with fewer issues.

5. Save Big on Time and Money

Outsourcing customer service eliminates the need for hiring and training added staff. You save on salaries and benefits, paying only for the services you need. Additionally, a remote or offshore real estate call center reduces the need for extra office space.

6. Satisfy Clients Better

Having a call center ensures your clients get quick, professional responses every time. This level of attention makes clients feel valued, heard, and satisfied. With trained agents handling their needs, your customers are more likely to have a positive experience and stay loyal to your business.

7. Focus on What Really Matters

If you delegate tedious work, your agents can focus on closing deals and boosting revenue. You can be rid of handling administrative burdens like managing scheduling and follow-ups. With others taking care of all that, your team has more freedom for things that drive your firm forward.

Having a dedicated contact center will also give your company extra time. You can focus on crafting and launching impactful marketing campaigns.

8. Tap into Cutting-Edge Tech

Call centers usually have and know how to use advanced call routing. It’s a tool that directs inquiries to the right agents, boosting efficiency. Robust CRM systems are commonly used to manage client information and interactions seamlessly.

With these tools, you can analyze call data which provides valuable insights into client preferences. So, using specialized tech helps you provide exceptional and personalized service.

9. Speak Your Customer’s Language

When you work with an offshore call center, there’s a good chance that it can offer multilingual support. This will let your agency cater to a diverse clientele, expanding your market reach.

Communicating in clients’ preferred languages could be a competitive edge as well. It’ll enhance their experience and satisfaction and will make your company more accessible.

10. Handle Any Crisis with Confidence

In emergencies, an external call center can immediately address clients for non-stop support. They can also handle high call volumes during busy times without compromising service quality. Even in tough situations, a helpline will maintain top-notch service. Moreover, it keeps clients’ trust and satisfaction intact.

5 Tips to Find the Right Call Center for Your Real Estate Company

Finding the right call center for your real estate business might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a straightforward approach to help you make the best choice:

1. Industry Experience

First, look for a provider with real estate experience. You want a team that understands the unique needs and challenges of your industry. This ensures they can handle inquiries, follow-ups, and scheduling with expertise.

2. Compatible Tech Integration

Next, consider their technology. A good real estate call center should use advanced systems like CRM and call routing to streamline operations. This means more efficient service for your clients and better data management for you.

3. Adapts With You

Flexibility is key. Choose a call center provider that can scale its services based on your business needs. Whether you’re experiencing seasonal peaks or consistent growth, they should adapt without a hitch.

4. Look Up Reviews

Don’t forget to check reviews and testimonials. Hearing from other real estate professionals about their experiences can be valuable. They could provide insights into the potential outsourcing partner’s reliability and service quality.

5. Ask Around

Lastly, have a conversation with potential providers. Ask about their training programs, how they handle high call volumes, and their approach to customer service. This will give you a feel for their professionalism and commitment to excellence.

Build a Call Center Team with STAFFVIRTUAL

Now that you know how a call center can positively impact your real estate business, collaborate with us at STAFFVIRTUAL.

  • We have over 15 years of property management and real estate experience.
  • We help drive businesses to new heights of growth and success.
  • We’ll help you offload time-consuming tasks to a skilled team of professionals. This frees your company up to focus on closing deals and nurturing client relationships.
  • We provide a four-step process that lets you build the best call center team for your firm — we’ll handle the planning, recruitment, training, and even the management of your perfect team.
  • Our company will verify that every member can cater to the real estate sector. If they don’t meet your expectations, we’ll guarantee quick replacements.

Reach out to STAFFVIRTUAL today to discover more about how our call center services can refine your operations. Book a call now!


Real Estate Call Center: How It’s Key to Close More Deals | Just Call

9 Stats that Show Property Management Customer Experience Gap is Real | Appfolio

Statistics You Must Know as a Real Estate Agent | ReferMe IQ

Calculating The Real ROI From Lead Nurturing | Demand Gen Report

How Realtors Are Using Call Routing and Drip Call Campaigns to Close More Sales | DialogTech