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Getting Better Tech Support: Outsourcing Your Managed Service Provider’s Help Desk


Joan Fernan

Joan is a content writer for STAFFVIRTUAL, with a rich background in SEO content writing since 2019....

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Outsourcing, which started in the 1950s, has become a popular business strategy. It’s been used and proven to improve operations. For Managed Service Providers, outsourcing lets you focus on your core competencies and enables you to adapt to changes.

Technology advances quickly; and for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) like you, having reliable support is essential. As your business grows, maintaining an in-house help desk can become overwhelming. This is where outsourcing help desk support comes in. It’s a need if you want to keep your clients and employees happy.

This blog post will explore the growing trend of MSP Help Desk Outsource. Let’s look into the reasons why it helps provide better tech support.

Why Are Managed Service Providers Outsourcing Their Help Desks?

The MSP industry is evolving fast, and customers have higher expectations than before. These put companies under pressure to keep up, especially with help desk support. Hence, many MSPs are now choosing to outsource their help desks to third-party companies, and here are three reasons why:

  1. High Costs

Running an in-house help desk is resource-draining and expensive. You have to pay for training, equipment, and salaries. With outsourcing, they take care of all these expenses so you won’t have to. For example, outsourcing in the Philippines saves you 70% or more on labor costs.

  1. Staffing Issues

Finding and keeping a good help desk staff in a competitive market is tough. You also have to dedicate time and finances. But outsourcing spares you the trouble of doing so. They provide qualified and talented professionals at a fraction of the cost.

  1. Scalability Problems

Your client base may increase as you grow your business. An in-house help desk might struggle to handle these changes efficiently, but an outsourced team won’t. They are better equipped to take care of fluctuating demands and workloads.

How Better Tech Support is Achieved Through Outsourcing the Help  Desk 

Excellent tech support gives MSPs a competitive advantage, keeping your customers happy and your business running. This is one area where outsourcing could help with the right resources to handle a wide range of tasks. While your clients get better service, your in-house team can focus on other important tasks at the same time.

Setting up an in-house help desk team can limit your ability to provide better tech support. Your team may lack advanced technology to resolve complex issues. Aside from that, you also have to conduct continuous training, which is essential but costly and time-consuming.

Moreover, in-house teams hardly keep up with high volumes of support requests. This may lead to slower response times and bottlenecks. All these will affect your bottom line and efficiency.

On a positive note, outsourced providers specialize in help desk support. They bring a higher level of expertise to handle diverse customer requests. They use the latest systems to diagnose and resolve issues, providing faster response times without requiring a significant investment.

Since outsourced teams receive regular training, they have a deep understanding of how to provide better tech support. They stay updated on the latest tech developments, allowing them to resolve complex issues.

Broaden Access to Resources: Experience, Expertise, and Support Tools

One of the biggest advantages of outsourcing help desks is its vast pool of resources. Here are three ways how it helps your MSP business offer better service:

  1. Wider Pool of  Industry Experts

Instead of relying on a few in-house staff, outsourcing gives access to many experts. It ensures that no matter what tech problem a client faces, there’s someone qualified to help. It’s proven by the 2021 Q3 ManpowerGroup Talent Shortage and Employment Outlook Survey. They found out that 69% of businesses worldwide reported talent shortages. It emphasizes the need for a larger talent pool, which is accessible through outsourcing.

  1. Specialized Skills and  Knowledge

IT systems today have become more complex. With innovations like cloud computing, advanced security, and industry-specific software, it’s not a simple business function. Keeping in-house experts for all these areas can be costly for you. Outsourced help desks have large teams with specialists in various fields. They can handle even more complicated issues with their special skills and knowledge.

  1. Access to Advanced Tools

Providing top-notch technical support requires a reliable toolkit. However, investing in diagnostic software and remote access tools can be expensive. Let’s use cloud migration as an example. Many businesses are transitioning to cloud-based solutions. This process is complex and needs extensive knowledge.

An in-house help desk might lack the expertise required for a successful migration. But, an outsourced provider would have a team of equipped cloud specialists. It makes the transition process smoother for your MSP business. Plus, you won’t have to think about the expenses associated with it.

Faster Turnaround Times

Why Turnaround Time is Important?

Think about it from a customer’s perspective. If you had an issue with a product or service, wouldn’t you want it resolved as quickly as possible? Of course, you would! That’s why response time is so important, especially for MSPs. From a business perspective, a quicker turnaround means a better customer experience. It will lead to positive word-of-mouth about the company, which helps in client acquisition and retention.

Quick Responses

Outsourcing companies provide dedicated tech support teams. It means they aren’t juggling a lot of roles. They can immediately prioritize and address issues. They can respond and resolve issues faster than in-house teams.

Customer Impact

Faster support translates to happier customers and smoother operations. When you resolve issues right away, clients experience minimal downtime. It’s crucial for maintaining productivity and avoiding disruptions.

Furthermore, this swift problem-solving reduces frustration. Customers are more likely to remain loyal and recommend your service to others. It builds confidence in your ability to handle technical difficulties. In turn, this positive feedback loop enhances your reputation and leads to increased business opportunities.

Enhanced Reliability of Support

When making clients happy, consistent and reliable help desk support is essential. Here’s how outsourcing help desk helps you deliver great service:

Consistent Service

One of the biggest challenges with in-house help desks is staff turnover. It can lead to inconsistencies in service quality, as new hires need time to ramp up. Outsourcing your help desk avoids this issue since they have larger teams and established workflows. This means your customers get a steady level of support, no matter who is on the job.

Service Level Agreements (SLA)

When you hire an outsourced help desk provider, they set up Service Level Agreements (SLAs). These set specific benchmarks for response times, resolution rates, and other performance metrics. SLAs ensure that your outsourced provider is accountable for delivering high-quality service. By holding these standards, you can guarantee a reliable experience for your customers.

24/7 Accessible Support

In the MSP business, any downtime can be extremely costly. Outsourcing help desks gives you a big advantage. Here’s how:

Round-the-Clock Help

Imagine a client facing a major server issue in the middle of the night. Your in-house help desk might be unavailable, leaving your client frustrated and vulnerable. Outsourcing providers often operate 24/7. This means that no matter where the client resides, there’s always a technician ready to help.

Global Reach

The Internet allows businesses to work across different countries.  However, this can create challenges for you with geographically dispersed clients. Outsourced help desk providers often have teams that operate across various time zones. Plus, clients can reach outsourced help desks through various communication channels.  This allows you to provide consistent support to clients around the world.

Up-To-Date Technology and Training

Technology is always changing, and as a Managed Service Provider (MSP), you need to keep up to stay ahead of the competition. Outsourcing offers access to these advanced tools.

Outsourcing providers invest in maintaining a state-of-the-art technology stack. It includes diagnostic tools, remote access solutions, and security software. By using these advanced technologies, outsourced teams can troubleshoot issues faster. They can also deliver more effective solutions for your clients.

Staying up-to-date with the best practices is essential for any tech support professional. Outsourcing providers understand this and invest in ongoing training programs for their staff. It ensures support technicians have the most up-to-date knowledge and skills. They need this for the effective resolution of the most complex technical issues. 

With cyber threats evolving, staying informed about the latest security strategies is vital. An outsourced provider must commit to ongoing training. This will ensure that its staff has the tools to address cyberattacks.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

High-quality tech support is a cornerstone of customer satisfaction in the MSP industry. By outsourcing help desks, you can provide better customer support. Outsourced help desk providers have customer satisfaction metrics. These help you gauge feedback on your services:

  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Scores: These surveys are quick snapshots of client feedback. A high CSAT score shows satisfied clients. They are happy with the quality and effectiveness of the support they receive.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS surveys measure client loyalty. You gain valuable insights into how your help desk services impact client relationships.
  • Customer Service Data: Call resolution, repeat issues, and client feedback give valuable insights. These are usable for process improvement.

Additional Market Service Provider Business Benefits to Outsourcing the Help Desk

Outsourcing the help desk can offer numerous benefits to MSPs. It’s beyond cost savings. Let’s explore some added advantages that come with this strategic business decision.

  1. Provides Flexibility: Outsourcing the help desk allows you to scale your operations. It’s easier than in-house resources. All these are without the constraints of hiring or laying off employees.
  2. Offers Diversity: With outsourced providers, MSPs can have a diverse skilled team. This brings fresh perspectives and ideas to the table.
  3. Avoid Legal Risks: Outsourcing reduces legal risks associated with employment law. The outsourced provider is responsible for compliance with labor laws.
  4. Lessen Healthcare Costs: You won’t have to provide medical insurance on outsourced teams. As the employer on record, the outsourcing provider will take care of all the employee benefits.
  5. Eliminates HR Issues: Outsourcing help desks eliminates the need to handle HR-related tasks. You don’t have to do recruitment, training, and managing employee performance. This reduces administrative burden.
  6. Promotes Work-Life Balance: Outsourcing helps improve work-life balance. It’s achievable by offloading time-consuming and repetitive tasks. It lets you focus on more meaningful and fulfilling work.

How to Find the Right Outsourcing Provider for Your Help Desk

Choosing the right outsourcing provider is vital for maximizing the benefits. Here’s a guide to help you choose the best outsourcing partner for your MSP:

  1. Define Your Needs: Take time to define your specific needs clearly. Consider the depth of technical expertise required, desired response times, and budget constraints.
  2. Research Potential Providers: Leverage online resources. Use industry publications and peer recommendations to identify reputable outsourcing providers. Shortlist a few companies that appear to align well with your requirements.
  3. Evaluate Credentials and Experience: Request detailed information about each provider’s experience. Look into how they support MSPs. Look for a proven track record in handling similar client needs and technologies.
  4. Assess Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Review the proposed SLAs offered by each provider. These agreements outline specific benchmarks for resolution rates and other key metrics. 
  5. Cost Considerations: While cost is a certain factor, it shouldn’t be the sole deciding element. Look for a provider that offers a competitive price point. Their value must be at par with their services.
  6. Security and Compliance: Ensure the provider prioritizes data security. They must adhere to relevant industry compliance standards.
  7. Communication and Transparency: During the evaluation process, assess the provider’s communication style. Look for a partner who promotes open communication. They must be ready to address any questions or concerns.

Checklist of Questions for Potential Providers

  • What specific experience do you have supporting MSPs in our industry?
  • Can you provide references from similar clients we can speak with?
  • How do you ensure data security and compliance with relevant regulations?
  • Can you outline your pricing structure and service level agreements (SLAs)?
  • How will we collaborate and communicate on a day-to-day basis?

Boost Your MSP Tech Support By Outsourcing Now!

If you want to enhance your MSP’s technical support service, outsourcing your help desk is the best solution. They provide MSPs with faster response times and better resolution rates. It also improves customer satisfaction by offering 24/7 support.

Are you ready to enhance your tech support? Partner with STAFFVIRTUAL today! We offer top-notch help desk services that drive business growth. Our dedicated teams are experts in the industry and can handle simple to complex tech issues.

Book a free intro call to discuss your needs! Explore how our outsourced help desk solutions can help your MSP business succeed and boost your tech support.


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